How To Make Home Made Chilli Paneer

My girls love Paneer all three of them.
They love anything made with paneer but mostly, when I roll of all the paneer dishes they are unanimous with Paneer Rosha!

This is going to be hopefully a go to in year’s to come, if they want good old homemade and particularly, chiili infused paneer.

Its deceptively mild, but with slight hint of heat but beautiful aroma. Its particularly delicious if you are making Panner Tikka or Masala.

I prefer it to regular paneer!

There are endless infusions,
Black pepper
Green Bell peppers added just before boil.
Coriander seeds
Fresh coriander
Whatever tickles your fancy!

How to make home made Paneer.
You will need:
Muslin cloth
Heavy Pan

4 pints full fat milk
4 tablespoons of lemon juice, if fresh juice sieve the juice
Or 2 tbsp. white vinegar
Or ½ tsp citric acid granules dissolved in 1 tbsp of water.
I just use lemon juice from a commercial readymade juice from a bottle.
1 tbsp red chilli flakes
1 tbsp minced Green chillies


Add the milk into a heavy pan and add the dried and fresh chillies.
Bring to boil the full fat milk.
You want to heat up your milk while stirring so doesn’t stick to the bottom of the pan.
Also when it comes to the boil it may over flow from the pan you don’t want that to happen.

Once the milk comes to a boil and you see the bubbles have formed on the top give it a light stir and turn off the flame. Let it cool down slightly.

I strain the milk here to separate the chillies but keep it to add later and put milk back in pan.

Now add the lemon juice or vinegar or citric acid granules into the milk whilst stirring very slowly. I add it 1 teaspoon at a time.

The milk solids will curd into lumps separating from the whey.
If you find that this is not happening then add a little bit more of your acid.

Once all your curds have completely separated from the whey, you are ready to drain this.

Place the muslin cloth over the colander, drain the curds through the muslin cloth and colander and leave for few minutes.

Next grab the ends of the cloth together and twist this gently to squeeze out as much excess water that you can.

I open the cloth and add some of the strained chilli pulp into the curd.
Gather up the muslin cloth again.

Now place your muslin cloth holding the curd on top of the colander and then use a heavyweight on top to help drain any remaining moisture.
I tend to use my daughters kettle weight however you can use a heavy pan filled with water placed on top and leave for approximately 30 minutes.

Once it has stood for about 30 minutes remove the paneer from the muslin cloth and you may cut it up to use.

If you’re not going to use it straightaway, put it in a container to store in the fridge or you can also squeeze the paneer into a Tupperware container and seal this tight to use at a later time, you can cut it up as you require it.

For plain paneer
Bring milk to boil
Add acid
Drain the curd
Squeeze, weight it, then store it.


The same process applies for Tofu.
Use soya milk.

To store Tofu, keep refrigerated in tupperware with cold water.
Replace the water daily to maintain freshness.

Paneer can often be bland. I find that lightly dusting with spices such as coriander powder and cumin can often add a layer of flavour before cooking ready made paneer.

I often pierce the paneer chunks with a cocktail stick prior to sautéing. This also lets the sauce penetrate into the paneer peices.

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