Prawns In Mustard And Coconut Sauce/Narkel Chingri

Narkel Chingri is a quintessential Bengali dish with its roots deeply steeped in the regions culture, geography and natural resources. Prawns in a mustard and coconut sauce. There is an unspoken love of all things made with mustard and seafood for bengalis. An inherited love through cuisine.Just as mustard oil is the unsung hero off…

Taro Stolon With Desiccated Coconut. Narkel Diye Kochur Loti

Here’s a twist on the classic taro stolon, what we Bengalis call Kochur loti.This particular Bengali vegetable is rather odd in that it is the root of a plant which is eaten in its entirety. Bengali people are very fond of kochu. They eat its leaves, stem, root, stolons everything.We call this Kochur Loti in…

Kancha Tomato Diye Macher Tarkari.          Green Tomatoes with Fish.

Bengali cuisine is just flooded with fish varieties!Macher Jhol, Macher Jhaal, Macher Tok, Macher Rosha, Macher Kalia and many such exotic names and tastes – Kancha tomatoes with fish and mustard is a classic flavoursome dish with incorporates both fish and fruit in a beautiful symphony of taste! Of all the dishes, there are some unique varieties that are mainly specific…